The Criterion


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The Criterion
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From this page you can access PDF files of the official CAMA newsletter "The Criterion" to read here or print to take with you. You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to access the files. If you need to download the reader click on the icon below.



Meet the New Executive Director,  10 Things Not to Do, CAMA Meeting Minutes, and much much more....



2007 Seminar wrap up, CAMA Strategic Plan, Care and Feeding of Auditors, and much much more


2005 Conference Information, Folder Preparation, and much much more.

August CAMA Minutes, Achieving Best Practices through Performance-based Training, Clinical Pastoral Education, Wooing the Auditors, Membership Drive Application, CAMA Conference 2005 Info.







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This site was last updated 11/05/07