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The Dr. Juliette Martin-Thomas Award for Excellence in the Field of Human Services

The Dr. Juliette Martin-Thomas Award recognizes an individual  made significant contributions to the field of human services. Further, through genuine interaction, communication and commitment, an individual who has made a valuable contribution to multi-culturalism. Winner Roberta Gaither started with the Department of Corrections in 1990 and is presently the Deputy Warden of the Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility.  She is committed to improving the quality of life in the State’s largest urban area with a strong commitment to social activism working in the field of human services, healthcare, teaching, social work, criminal justice both in the community and faith-based programs. 



The Wisconsin Council on Community Corrections Service Award


The Wisconsin Council on Community Corrections Service Award recognizes a person in the Private Sector who demonstrates a high level of commitment and professionalism to community based corrections.  This recipient has been instrumental in either improving existing services to offenders in community based corrections or in piloting new services.  The 2006 Wisconsin Council on Community Corrections Service Award is being presented by Judy Baldwin, Secretary for the Wisconsin Council on Community Corrections.  Winner, Karen Kinsey has worked as a clinician and administrator for over 29 years specializing in women-specific services.  As Executive Director of ARC Community Services, Inc., she has overseen the evolution of this agency from one halfway house, ARC House, now a residential AODA treatment center to a women-specific agency with 12 projects located in Madison and Fond du Lac. 




The Sanger B. Powers Award of Excellence


The Sanger B. Powers Award recognizes and individual for his/her contributions to the field of criminal justice.  Steve Casperson’s career has been a career of service.  He recently retired from the military with the rank of Lt. Colonel in the United States Army.  His command was in a medical training unit.  Mr. Casperson will retire this year as Administrator of the Division of Adult Institutions, a Division that currently employs over 7300 staff and has an operating budget of over 651 million dollars.  He has led this Division during unprecedented times during which the Division lost over 300 positions due to budget cuts.  Despite diminished resources, his application of leadership principles that he gleaned from the military, business and correctional worlds has helped to carry the Division through these complicated times, providing enhanced opportunities for inmates in preparing for reintegration, providing improved health care for inmates and providing for more efficient business processes.





WCA was proud to present Marge Walstad with the award for 2006 Volunteer of the Year.  Marge contributed many years and countless hours to assisting WCA in the areas of chairing conference registration, introducing speakers, gathering data from conference workshop evaluations, acting as the WCA membership Chairperson and working at WCA’s mid-year workshops. She has proven to be an incredible resource for WCA and her hard work is gratefully acknowledged.  Regretfully, Marge has decided to step down as the membership chairperson for 2007, stating that she’d like to give new, fresh talent a chance to fill those roles. We thank Marge for all of her dedication and wish her all the best.



The Roland C. Hershman Award For Meritorious Dedication To the Field of Juvenile Justice 

The Roland C. Hershman ward recognizes an individual who has provided leadership for change in youth involved in the juvenile justice system.  Dan Buchler began his career with the Department of Corrections in 1986 as a Social Worker and has held a variety of positions where his education and talents provided assistance to the Department in reaching its mission.  Prior to his retirement, Dan worked as Warden of the Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility (RYOCF)—a position that he held since September of 1997.  His commitment to the care and custody of inmates aged 15 through 24 at RYOCF was exemplary, emphasizing education and programming as means to change one’s life. 




The Boyd Spikerman Memorial Award for Correctional Officers

 The Boyd Spikerman ward recognizes a correctional officer for his/her dedication to the mission, goals and programs of corrections and who has performed an act which brings credit and honor to the profession of correctional officer.  In 1983, three inmates killed Boyd at the Oxford Federal Prison.  This year’s award is being presented by Ricardo Martinez, Warden, Oxford Federal Prison.  Correctional Officer Ray Fadroski works in the Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department.  Since starting with the Corrections Division in 1991, he has proven himself, both professionally and personally as an outstanding individual, citizen and officer.  Ray Fadroski’s community involvement includes being a member of the Black Creek volunteer Fire Department since 2001.  Ray has volunteered his time to Special Olympics for the past 14 years and has raised in excess of $500 each year in the annual Torch Run.  Ray has also been involved in and volunteered his time in numerous other fund raising events including raising money for displaced law enforcement victims of Hurricane Katrina.