Take the CHALLENGE . . .First Defence Security Perimeter Barrier

Seven independent tests of the First Defence Arched Barrier were conducted under supervision of federal agencies in the United States and France. The agencies reporting test results range from the United States Defense Nuclear Agency to the French National Police. The individuals attempting to breach the fence, ranged from regular military personnel to highly trained climbing experts (United States Army Special Forces, French Commandos) Breaching times were measured as the time taken to move from the ground on one side of the fence to the ground on the other side of the fence. Here were the results . . .

Fences were not enhanced with barbed tape.
Climbers had no breaching aides.
The climbers breached the conventional fences in an average of 6.2 seconds.
The climbers did not breach the arched barrier.

The conventional fences were enhanced with barbed tape.
The arched barrier stood alone without barbed tape.
Climbers used heavy materials which protected them from the cutting effect of the barbed tape.
The climbers breached the conventional fences in an average time of 12.8 seconds.
The climbers did not breach the arched barrier.

Conventional Fences and Arched Barrier both enhanced with barbed tape.
Climbers had a wide range of breaching aids.
The climbers had materials to protect themselves from the barbed tape, and they were allowed to use wire hooks, hook and rope, rope ladder with hooks, or specialized climbing gear.
The climbers breached the conventional fences in an average time of 12.8 seconds.
The climbers breached the arched barrier in an average time of 298.5 seconds or 4 minutes and 59 seconds.

Go Ahead, We Dare You!

Okay, we've told you how effective First Defence Perimeter Security Barriers can be. And you can see for yourself how much more attractive they are than conventional barriers. But the intimidation factor is something you need to experience for yourself - in person. Check out our site locations, where you can go and stand next to the real thing. Then you'll see just how effective an escape deterrent this barrier can be.

You might even want to try and climb it, if you think you can.

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