Keeping Your Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee Going Strong |
By National Jail Exchange - Michael R. Jones is a senior project associate at the Pretrial Justice Institute |
Published: 03/18/2013 |
![]() What Is a CJCC? In a nutshell, a CJCC is the forum through which elected and appointed executive-level policymakers in local jurisdictions — and sometimes states — convene to collaboratively address issues facing the justice system and its constituent agencies. These committees (sometimes called “councils” or “boards”) typically have staff support from one or more criminal justice planners. They often use a data-guided and structured planning process to identify, analyze, and solve or manage justice system issues, such as jail crowding, resource reductions, case processing inefficiencies, sub-par outcomes, and client populations that pose a particular challenge (e.g., persons with mental illness or a history of substance abuse). CJCCs differ from other criminal justice committees in that they are designed to be permanent, ongoing, advisory boards that not only solve some specific problems as they arise, but, more importantly, monitor the system’s functioning and manage its collective workload. These committees can work on adult criminal justice or juvenile justice issues or both. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) has published an easy-to-read but highly informative guidebook for setting up or improving an existing CJCC. The link to download a free copy of Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee is provided at the end of this article. What Can a CJCC Do? Of the 3,000-plus counties in the United States, there are probably fewer than 100 with CJCCs whose scope of work goes beyond simple grant administration. Nonetheless, this number was much lower just 10 years ago, as more and more jurisdictions have recently created a CJCC or transformed an existing committee into a CJCC because of the great benefits that these committees can bring. These benefits can come in many forms. CJCCs have helped law enforcement, the courts, and correctional facilities and programs in a number of ways.
What Are Some Examples of High-Functioning CJCCs? Beginning in early 2011, the Federal Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded the Justice Management Institute (JMI) a grant to convene representatives from the nation’s highest functioning CJCCs into a network. This new network:
The CJCC Network currently has 12 inaugural members that have shared information and ideas to not only improve their own committees, but to develop resources for other jurisdictions’ CJCCs as well. The 12 participating jurisdictions are:
Each of the CJCCs in these jurisdictions has its own unique characteristics and is working on different projects to improve its local justice system. These CJCCs also share three common characteristics that enable them to maintain their effectiveness, and thus they serve as good examples for other CJCCs to follow. To learn more, read on. What Keeps CJCCs Functioning Effectively Over the Long-Haul? A common thread among the highest-functioning CJCCs is that they tend to have three essential characteristics. 1. Appropriate and Engaged Membership Plus Effective Leadership A high-functioning CJCC has participation from the elected or appointed executive-level heads of all relevant local justice system and community agencies. Membership typically includes the criminal court presiding judge, the sheriff, the district or state’s attorney, the chief public defender, the city police chief, the chief probation officer, the county manager and/or a county commissioner, the substance abuse/mental health director, and others who play a relevant role (e.g., the school superintendent). It is important that the agency heads themselves, and not their staff, attend and participate in the CJCC meetings and decision-making. In terms of leadership, the most effective CJCC chairpersons usually have the right personality and position. That is, they tend to be good listeners and motivators an d be well respected, organized, and decisive. They tend to occupy an influential justice system position, such as that of a chief judge, sheriff, or district attorney. Occasionally, persons from outside the justice system, such as the county manager or a county commissioner, make an effective chairperson. The members and chairpersons of the CJCCs from the CJCC Network closely resemble the attributes described above. 2. Capable Criminal Justice Planning Staff All 12 CJCC Network members, as well as the CJC Cs in many other locations, have one or more staff persons whose job is solely to work for the CJCC. These staff members provide their committees with high-quality analytical information and operational support.
3. A Structured, Data-Guided, Collaborative Policy Planning Process The most effective CJCCs usually follow a process for addressing issues. This process has structure, in that certain steps are usually followed:
Summary As several jurisdictions have demonstrated—including the 12 inaugural members of the CJCC Network—CJCCs can be a very effective forum for finding long-term solutions and for managing justice system issues, such as jail crowding, court inefficiencies, and resource reductions, to name only a few. The committees bring together executive-level agency heads and enable them to use empirical data and research to make joint decisions to improve the local justice system’s effectiveness and efficiency. Resources Cushman, Robert C. (2002.) Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections. http://nicic.gov/Library/017232 Jones, Michael R. (2012, forthcoming.) Guidelines for Staffing a Local Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections. http://nicic.gov/Library/026308 Justice Management Institute, http://www.jmijustice.org National Association of Counties, http://www.naco.org Pretrial Justice Institute, http://www.pretrial.org Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Network, http://www.jmijustice.org/current-projects/current-projects/criminal-justice-coordinating-councils About the Author Michael R. Jones is a senior project associate at the Pretrial Justice Institute, where he assists states and local jurisdictions in understanding and implementing more legal and empirically-based pretrial policies and practices. He has worked as a criminal justice planner in Jefferson County, Colorado, where he was lead staff for the local CJCC. He has also worked as a technical resource provider for the National Institute of Corrections, providing justice system assessments and assisting local jurisdictions in developing or improving their CJCC and data-guided policy-making. He can be reached at mike@pretrial.org . Reprinted - National Institute of Corrections - National Jail Exchange Document available at: http://community.nicic.gov/blogs/national_jail_exchange/archive/2013/02/12/keeping-your-criminal-justice-coordinating-committee-going-strong.aspx |
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