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Women’s Reentry Forum
01/31/2014 ET
Interviews with Women Currently or Formerly Under Supervision Are Available
National Research on Women in the Justice System Available-Call for Factsheet
Recent Radio Show on Women Returning from Prison at:
Women in the criminal justice system have higher rates of substance abuse, physical and sexual violence, HIV, mental health and unemployment issues per national research. Approximately 7 in 10 women under correctional supervision have minor children.
Who: Current and past women under supervision, The Court Services and Offender
Supervision Agency, the US Attorney’s Office, the US Parole Commission, D.C. Healthy Start
Consortium and the Fairview Residential Reentry Center.
What: Speakers and Information Sessions
Where: Temple of Praise, 700 Southern Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20032
When: Saturday, February 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Why: The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency and allied organizations have
implemented a comprehensive plan to increase services to women offenders. The annual
Women’s Re-entry Forum is part of that plan.
Navigating Your Journey:
- Positive Reentry
- Economic Independence
- Education, Training, Employment, Nontraditional Jobs
- Dress for Success
The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is .
The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
This pod cast is brought to you (with permission) by DC Public Safety–Radio Shows, the original live date was January 23, 2014
Advanced Practices in Parole and Probation–George Mason University
06/30/2012 ET
The program interviews Faye S. Taxman, Ph.D. a University Professor in the Criminology, Law and Society Department and Director of the Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence at George Mason University. Dr. Taxman is recognized for her work in the development of the seamless systems of care models that link the criminal justice with other service delivery systems as well as reengineering probation and parole supervision services, and organizational change models. Her work covers the breadth of the correctional system from jails and prisons to community corrections and adult and juvenile offenders, including all types of interventions and system improvement factors. She has had numerous grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Justice, National Institute of Corrections, Office of National Drug Control Policy, and Bureau of Justice Assistance.
The website for the Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence is .
The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
This pod cast is brought to you (with permission) by DC Public Safety–Radio Shows, the original live date was June 28, 2012
Technology in Corrections-Corrections Technology Center of Excellence
05/31/2012 ET
The program interviews Joe Russo, Director, Corrections Technology Center of Excellence, funded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Joe addresses the use of GPS tracking of offenders, methods to search computers owned by offenders and additional corrections and law enforcement technology under development by the center.
The website is .
The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
This pod cast is brought to you (with permission) by DC Public Safety–Radio Shows, the original live date was May 31, 2012
Identity Theft-NOVA
03/05/2012 ET
The program interviews Will Marling, Executive Director of the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) and Denise Richardson, a consumer advocate and identity theft education specialist. The topic is identity theft and an update of activities at the National Organization for Victim Assistance.
The production offers a brief overview of a proposed national Constitutional Amendment to protect victim rights and NOVA’s certification of victim advocates for the Department of Defense.
The website for NOVA is
The website for Denise Richardson is .
The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
This pod cast is brought to you (with permission) by DC Public Safety–Radio Shows, the original live date was March 5, 2012
Supervision of High-Risk Offenders
02/22/2012 ET
The topic for the twentieth television show produced by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is “Supervision of High Risk Offenders”.
There is extensive research that parole and probation agencies should focus their efforts on offenders who pose an obvious risk to public safety. CSOSA embarked on two reorganizations in 2011, one focusing on women offenders (TV show filmed on February 16, 2011) and the other on high risk offenders; the focus of this production.
Multiple national research centers, such as The Urban Institute, Pew, and the US Department of Justice, suggest that parole and probation agencies focus their supervision and treatment resources on high risk offenders, as identified through objective, validated risk and needs instruments, while placing less emphasis on lower risk offenders through alternative methods of supervision.
The program intends to provide an overview of CSOSA high risk offender supervision and treatment efforts based on national best practice standards.
The website for CSOSA is
This pod cast is brought to you (with permission) by DC Public Safety–Radio Shows, the original live date was February 16, 2012
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