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Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category

Corrections Staff Well-being Programs–To Implement or Not?

February 1st, 2012

© Gregory Morton, Mike Denhof & Caterina Spinaris, 2012

This article examines issues that correctional agencies might consider when discussing the implementation of programs designed to prevent and remediate Corrections Fatigue and related organizational climate and staff well-being issues. Briefly, our qualifications for offering our perspectives on corrections staff’s well-being are the following: Gregory Morton has served at the Oregon Department of Corrections since 1975, including eight years as Staff Training Administrator. Concern for the professional and life skills of the corrections workforce has been his primary motivation throughout. Mike Denhof is a clinical research psychologist with over 12 years of  experience working in correctional and mental health settings, including extensive experience in inmate mental health and risk assessment, and general clinical-behavioral health and outcomes research. Mike has played a lead role in the development of clinical-behavioral assessment models for the State of Colorado, for multiple large behavioral health organizations (BHOs), and for numerous mental health centers, jails, and different types of correctional organizations. Caterina Spinaris is a licensed professional counselor and the founding director of Desert Waters Correctional Outreach, with 11 years of experience training and treating corrections staff and their family members. She is also the author of the book Staying Well: Strategies for Corrections Staff.

In our role as correctional employees we are problem solvers. We don’t like letting problems fester. We are trained to confront difficult situations. We are eager, sometimes even overly so, to address issues when we see them. We don’t like unfinished business or letting obvious oversights go uncorrected.

However, there is one historical predicament that impacts all of us but that none of us have ever addressed fully – the mental and emotional toll that the profession itself takes on its practitioners. Read more…

Corrections Fatigue, Leadership, PTSD

Legendary Leaders

September 28th, 2010

Over the years correctional workers have shared with me examples of leaders—supervisors and executive staff—who impacted them positively. Here are some of these examples. As you read this article, think about areas where you, as a leader, can put similar behaviors to practice. Proactively make “deposits” in your “bank account” with staff to have “funds” to draw upon during challenging times.

First and foremost, legendary leaders care about their staff as individuals, and they prove their caring with their actions. Read more…

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Hints for Supervisors

April 14th, 2010

A lot is written on leadership. Here is some input from leaders’ followers, seasoned corrections officers, as to what they need from their supervisors. Many thanks to all of you who contributed!

Dear readers, you are welcome to add yours in the comment section.

My best supervisor:
1. Pointed out our strengths
2. Used our strengths
3. Rewarded our strengths
4. Trained us regarding our weaknesses
5. Was a good listener
6. Allowed us to vent and voice our opinion

Read more…

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Tips for Supervisors

November 7th, 2009

1. Always be respectful.
2. Meet with your team weekly and walk around your area daily to stay in touch with your staff and to be accessible to them.
3. LISTEN, truly listen, to your staff. Instead of presenting your side right away, ask questions about their perspective.
4. Praise your staff both privately and publicly and spell out the specific behaviors for which you commend them. Share the glory. Read more…

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