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Archive for the ‘Self Scrutiny’ Category

What are you looking at?: Appearances of watchfulness

February 17th, 2011

What seems to be is not always what is. Our actions are not necessarily reflective of the results.  Here is an example.


“He’s working very hard to avoid work.”



That is a familiar phrase that applies to almost any vocation.  And most of us have encountered someone like this at some time.  An instance of this is someone who buries themselves in the low priority task of sharpening dozens of pencils while the imminence of finishing the pay roll is looming.  It is sad, but it is true.  Some people will work hard on non-essentials in order to avoid harder work that is necessary. Read more…

Assessing the organization, Security, Self Scrutiny

Discomfort can be useful

February 9th, 2011

 This story seems too strange to be real.  Yet, those who know me are aware of my reputation for telling the truth. When I got home from the ACA conference last August, there was a small bat trying to stay afloat in the ten gallon fish tank.  The goldfish was still there, but the additional creature vexed me.


The bat, clearly out of its element, flapped furiously as I used the net to liberate it from a watery doom.  Mindful of the potential of rabies, I maneuvered it into a plastic cup and released it into a dark bush.  Read more…

Self Scrutiny, What the...?!?

A cornucopia of corrections catchphrases – part 1

January 27th, 2011



(Author’s note:  These and other corrections truisms can be found in “Wake up and Smell the Contraband” 2nd edition by LRP Press.)


Corrections truisms are the voices of experience from our vocational past.  They are part of our living culture.  Information gained from many hard fought battles is encoded in each verbal knowledge nugget. As we repeat these to newer colleagues, we are transmitting part of our profession. What tumbles from our mouths today may serve as a cornerstone of corrections philosophy in the future. Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations, Training

Let’s make some crop circles!

January 20th, 2011



 Crop-circling – Of course, there are many documented crop circle events that were nothing more than hoaxes achieved by bona fide human pranksters.  I am sure that with each tongue in cheek exercise, the aftermath is always interesting to watch.  Certainly, there are many laughs from the perpetrators as they see frantic interviewees declare that an invasion in nigh. Read more…

Self Scrutiny, Staff relations

Avoid the 10 qualities of the anti-leader

January 13th, 2011

Whether it be a long climb or an outstanding view from on high, what you see is a matter of where you are. Perception is a matter of perspective.



For example, those who consider themselves as realists are often branded as cynics by optimists.  Avowed pessimists will label those self-reported realists as too hopeful.  Despite the many perspectives, it is agreed that every worksite has a skeptic, one who doubts almost anything unless presented with compelling proof. Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations

Destination Intimidation – The anti-intellectual bully

January 6th, 2011

The corrections work world has enough pitfalls and hazards without our adding to it. However, that sentiment does not simply eliminate division in the ranks.  No matter our good intentions, circumstances and a mix of personalities will always produce staff discord.




Unfortunately, we do not always see the signs.  Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations

Blazing and training dynamics

December 16th, 2010

 There are some staff dynamics that look uncomfortable to the untrained eye.  However, many seemingly contentious exchanges are really the expressions of respect.  In other words, this is an instance of professional blazing meant in the best of ways. 




One of my favorite out-of-state colleagues recently attended a presentation that I conducted about effective icebreakers and group activities.  There were two good dynamics in this for me.  First, this colleague is an accomplished trainer and would certainly offer good, constructive suggestions to me at the conclusion.  Second, the person in question is my all-time favorite sparring partner.  She is an incomparably adept blazer, playful and unyielding. Read more…

Security, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations, Training

Image ruses

December 1st, 2010


The cat’s fur stood on end to make it appear larger and fiercer…


The little dog barked loudly, from the safe side of the fence…


The man sucked in his stomach as the woman on the beach walked by…




These are three common behaviors in nature.  We cannot suppose that animals who try to appear formidable or fit do so for any other reason than to ward off predators.  Even the beach enthusiast in the example has an instinctual reason to promote a not entirely true image of physical fitness.



But there are times that people perform in order to project a truth.  Some of those times, the performer is only convincing herself or himself of that image.  That is an instance of self-delusion or image ruse. Read more…

Guest Author, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations

Confidence versus arrogance

November 10th, 2010

Some of us are, for a lack of a better term, rocks.  We have the confidence to stay in the middle of the stream, facing the steady flow of water in an unwavering manner. True, pressures of the flow erode confidence for many.  But, resolute strength keeps the confident in the game. rocks Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations

Integrity in action

November 3rd, 2010

 Integrity is often considered a difficult, lofty concept. Really, it can be defined in simple terms: doing the right thing, telling the truth, being dependable and professional, etc. Integrity occurs in a variety of examples.  Sometimes we need to look a little bit beneath the surface to benefit from the lesson.




I have a friend who was recently called to be a juror.  Hers was not a case of zipping down to the local court for a quick session of voir dire.  The call came from the Federal Court, some seventy miles distant from her house.  Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Uncategorized